DNS Question

Nils Holland nils at thunderbridge.de
Thu Jul 24 05:59:04 PDT 2003

Hi folks,

I hope here is somebody with a clue, because I don't have one. While this is 
not really that much FreeBSD-related, I hope someone can give me a hint.

Basically, I tried to change the DNS servers for one of my domains today. 
However, DeNIC (the .de registry) declined, because obviously the new 
nameservers do not comply with their strict standards. Now I have never set 
up or maintained DNS servers myself, so I do not know too much about this, 
but here's the problem report they sent me:

> Register.com is unable to complete your DNS transfers as the .DE registry
> has strict requirements for DNS servers. They require that DNS information
> be:
> 1. Must be on 2 separate class-c networks
> 2. SOA Minimum = 86400
> 3. SOA Expire = 604800
> 4. SOA Retry = 3600
> 5. SOA Refresh = 10800
> We encountered the following errors when attempting to make the DNS
> changes:
> The domain thunderbridge.de has NOT been updated.
> The following errors were detected:
> == SERVER ns1.loadbalanced.net. =
> ns1.loadbalanced.net.: serial has not been set
> ns1.loadbalanced.net.: serial not set
> ns1.loadbalanced.net.: SOA value retry (900) does not fit in range [1800
> ... 28800].  
> ns1.loadbalanced.net.: SOA value refresh (1800) does not fit
> in range [10000 ... 86400]. == END = 
> == SERVER ns2.loadbalanced.net. =
> ns2.loadbalanced.net.: serial has not been set
> ns2.loadbalanced.net.: serial not set
> ns2.loadbalanced.net.: SOA value retry (900) does not fit in range [1800
> ... 28800].  
> ns2.loadbalanced.net.: SOA value refresh (1800) does not fit
> in range [10000 ... 86400]. 
> == END =

I have a slight clue what this means, but what I'd like to ask is this: If I 
tell the operators of the DNS servers concerning this, do you think they can 
easily change their settings so that they would comply with DeNIC's 
standards? Or do you think they have a reason for having their stuff set up 
as it is, and they will be unable to "correct" this?

Like I said, this is not really FreeBSD-related. But I know that some great 
folks who have a clue about almost everything hang around here, and I thought 
I might ask without running the danger of anyone starting to throw rocks on 
me or something. ;-)

Nils <nils at thunderbridge.de>

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