rpi4 headless experience

Dan Mack mack at macktronics.com
Tue May 19 20:32:16 UTC 2020

Just tried the latest FreeBSD on RPI image on my rpi4-4GB system.  Here's 
what I experienced in case anyone else is interested:

- Install method - I just dd'd the unxz'd image from the download site
   onto a new microSD card.

- used a serial port connected RPI to another RPI using a ttl to usb 

- powered on, freebsd booted up just fine.

root at generic:~ # uname -a ; df -h ; sysctl hw | grep physmem
   FreeBSD generic 13.0-CURRENT FreeBSD 13.0-CURRENT #0 r361019: Thu May 14
   09:12:43 UTC 2020
   root at releng1.nyi.freebsd.org:/usr/obj/usr/src/arm64.aarch64/sys/GENERIC  arm64

Filesystem                Size    Used   Avail Capacity  Mounted on
/dev/ufs/rootfs            29G    2.6G     24G    10%    /
devfs                     1.0K    1.0K      0B   100%    /dev
/dev/msdosfs/MSDOSBOOT     50M     25M     25M    50%    /boot/msdos
tmpfs                      50M    4.0K     50M     0%    /tmp

hw.physmem: 973434880

I pluged in a USB connected SSD and it was not recognized on either USB2 
or USB3 ports.

And the memory size is not reporting the full 4GB as can be seen above.

Ethernet is working without any changes (dhcp kicked in by default) and 
seems to work.

Not sure about the on-board WiFI.

That's it, if anyone knows the status of the USB support or how to get the 
system to see all the memory, let me know :-)


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