Marvell Kirkwood - anyone?

Balanga Bar at
Tue Apr 23 18:27:47 UTC 2019

Many thanks. Is this what I should use?

Not really sure how this differs from portsnap fetch, but it seems to be
what I'm looking for...

On Tue, Apr 23, 2019 at 7:01 PM Rodney W. Grimes <
freebsd-rwg at> wrote:

> > On Tue, Apr 23, 2019 at 03:19:15PM +0100, Balanga Bar wrote:
> > > Is it possible to get a version of portsnap from that point?
> >
> > I don't know enough to answer that question.  I think it would be fair
> > to assume "no".
> You would not want ot use portsnap I do believe,
> but what you may want to start with is the ports.txz file
> that should of shipped on the i386/amd64 disc1 .iso
> That would of been the copy of the ports tree at the time
> the system was released.  Your going to have probably significant
> paints in finding tar balls that match, but it is not impossible.
> The shorter your list of needed ports the better.
> Your are then going to have to check for CVE's against
> all that code and either fix or mitigate the issue, if
> it is a non connected low access device CVE's may not
> matter at all.
> For OS sources I think I would either grab from svn the version
> at releng/8.x that matches what you decided on, or a point
> on stable/8 slightly after this.  My reasoning here is that you
> would be able to pull in specific changes from later in the
> life of stable/8 that you may need fairly easily, ie svn merge.
> > IIUC you seem to be looking for an _easy_ way to get Kirkwood back up
> > and working.  I'm going to be honest and say there isn't one.
> I Concur.
> > Here are the approaches I think you can take:
> All very reasonable too.
> >
> >  - stay on 8.x; bring individual port updates to it from ports-head and
> >    build your own ports.  Difficulty: hard.
> >
> >  - figure out what src changes after 8.x regressed Kirkwood; check
> >    out src 12-STABLE, build your own src, and use packages.
> >    Difficulty: expert.
> >
> >  - stay on 8.x; attempt to bring a modern ports tree to it and build
> >    your own ports.  Difficulty: challenging.
> >
> > The difficulty level of the first approach depends on which ports you
> > are going to try to use.  shells/bash?  Probably not too hard.  Anything
> > GUI-related?  Very hard.
> >
> > None of these approaches are achievable within hours; they will take
> > days, or, in the case of the third approach, weeks.
> >
> > fwiw, the second approach is the only one where your fixes could be
> > merged back into FreeBSD.  If I were personally determined to run
> > Kirkwoord, that's the approach I would take.  (I gave my GuruPlug
> > away some time ago.)
> >
> > I'm sorry that I can't be more encouraging.
> >
> > mcl
> --
> Rod Grimes
> rgrimes at

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