Enabling the network ports on the MacchiatoBIN (Double Shot)

Marcin Wojtas mw at semihalf.com
Wed Apr 17 21:07:56 UTC 2019

śr., 17 kwi 2019 o 20:23 Aurélien DARRAGON <a.darragon at geoide.fr>

> Is it a work in progress?
> [MW] Not that I'm aware of.
>> I guess this is related to https://github.com/MarvellEmbeddedProcessors/musdk-marvell: Marvell not willing to develop (Free)BSD compatible version of their driver?
> [MW] It is rather significant effort and someone has to invest in it,
> either directly or by being Marvell Tier1 customer. We did initial mainline
> Linux driver, UEFI and DPDK, so I hope some day the FreeBSD will join this
> list. I'll update in case any work begins on Semihalf side.
> I understand, thanks
> I hope some day the FreeBSD will join this list
> So do I, it's promising hardware with a lot of use cases.
> Thank you for your time
>> *PS*: Do you know about other ARM based boards with multiple NIC/SFP ports that are already supported by FreeBSD?
> [MW] Unfortunately I don't have any advice here.
> Alright, thanks. I'll keep looking into it. (that is: networking oriented
> SBC / SOM / COM)
> If anyone here knows about this and is willing to share its point of view,
> I'll be grateful.
If you don't mind armv7 and SFP up to 2.5Gbps, I think you can consider:
Very good support in HEAD.

Best regards,

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