interrupt storm detected

Balanga Bar at
Wed Apr 17 17:23:56 UTC 2019

After building FreeBSD 12.0-RELEASE for ARM I managed to boot up my GoFlex
Home booting up without getting kernel panics which I did with 11.2, but
instead I get a msg every second or so saying:-

interrupt storm detected on "intr13:" throttling interrupt source

After some experimenting I managed to run vmstat -i which showed:-

interrupt                          total       rate
irq1: timer0                       27224        201
irq12: mge0                         6037         45
irq13: mge0                        11003         81
irq19: ehci0                        5665         42
irq33: uart0                         247          2
Total                              50176        371

Is there anyting I can do to stop this storm?

I tried adding hw.intr_storm_threshold=4000 to /etc/sysctl.conf, but that
made no difference.

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