Kernel panic help

Balanga Bar at
Tue Apr 16 09:57:12 UTC 2019

Any guidance on how to find the cause of this would be appreciated.

login: root
Apr  6 17:40:05 GoFlexHome-FreeBSD login: ROOT LOGIN (root) ON ttyu0

FreeBSD 11.2-RELEASE (DOCKSTAR) #1: Tue Apr 16 09:06:55 BST 2019

Hello, world
vm_fault(0xc092b000, c72c4000, 1, 0) -> 2
Fatal kernel mode data abort: 'Translation Fault (P)'
trapframe: 0xc7efc8b0
FSR=00000007, FAR=c72c4000, spsr=600000d3
r0 =c72c4000, r1 =00001000, r2 =c72c4fff, r3 =600000d3
r4 =c72c4000, r5 =c06b3648, r6 =c06aac4c, r7 =00000008
r8 =c0835000, r9 =fffff000, r10=00000fff, r11=c7efc970
r12=00001000, ssp=c7efc944, slr=60000013, pc =c0522844

panic: Fatal abort
Uptime: 3m36s
Automatic reboot in 15 seconds - press a key on the console to abort
--> Press a key on the console to reboot,
--> or switch off the system now.

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