A10 is not stable at CURRENT
Mori Hiroki
yamori813 at yahoo.co.jp
Wed Apr 10 09:26:24 UTC 2019
I have panic at CURRENT on A10. I do nothing.
If you have advice, please let me know.
## Starting application at 0x40200180 ...
ARM Debug Architecture not supported
KDB: debugger backends: ddb
KDB: current backend: ddb
Copyright (c) 1992-2019 The FreeBSD Project.
Copyright (c) 1979, 1980, 1983, 1986, 1988, 1989, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994
The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
FreeBSD is a registered trademark of The FreeBSD Foundation.
FreeBSD 13.0-CURRENT #13 a34b1232771(zrouter)-dirty: Wed Apr 10 17:27:41 JST 201
hiroki at zrouter:/usr/home/hiroki/zobj/usr/home/hiroki/ZRouter/tmp/usr/home/hi
roki/freebsd/arm.armv7/sys/Pcduino_Lite arm
FreeBSD clang version 8.0.0 (tags/RELEASE_800/final 356365) (based on LLVM 8.0.0
CPU: ARM Cortex-A8 r3p2 (ECO: 0x00000000)
CPU Features:
Thumb2, Security, VMSAv7
Optional instructions:
LoUU:2 LoC:3 LoUIS:1
Cache level 1:
32KB/64B 4-way data cache WT WB Read-Alloc
32KB/64B 4-way instruction cache Read-Alloc
Cache level 2:
256KB/64B 8-way unified cache WT WB Read-Alloc Write-Alloc
real memory = 536870912 (512 MB)
avail memory = 520138752 (496 MB)
arc4random: no preloaded entropy cache
random: entropy device external interface
ofwbus0: <Open Firmware Device Tree>
aw_ccu0: <Allwinner Clock Control Unit> on ofwbus0
clk_fixed0: <Fixed clock> on aw_ccu0
clk_fixed1: <Fixed clock> on aw_ccu0
simplebus0: <Flattened device tree simple bus> on ofwbus0
ccu_a10ng0: <Allwinner A10/A20 Clock Control Unit NG> mem 0x1c20000-0x1c203ff on
regfix0: <Fixed Regulator> on ofwbus0
regfix1: <Fixed Regulator> on ofwbus0
regfix2: <Fixed Regulator> on ofwbus0
regfix3: <Fixed Regulator> on ofwbus0
regfix4: <Fixed Regulator> on ofwbus0
regfix5: <Fixed Regulator> on ofwbus0
aw_sid0: <Allwinner Secure ID Controller> mem 0x1c23800-0x1c2380f on simplebus0
aintc0: <A10 AINTC Interrupt Controller> mem 0x1c20400-0x1c207ff on simplebus0
gpio0: <Allwinner GPIO/Pinmux controller> mem 0x1c20800-0x1c20bff irq 21 on simp
gpiobus0: <OFW GPIO bus> on gpio0
a10_timer0: <Allwinner timer> mem 0x1c20c00-0x1c20c8f irq 22 on simplebus0
Event timer "a10_timer Eventtimer" frequency 24000000 Hz quality 1000
Timecounter "a10_timer timer0" frequency 24000000 Hz quality 1000
rtc0: <Allwinner RTC> mem 0x1c20d00-0x1c20d1f irq 23 on simplebus0
rtc0: registered as a time-of-day clock, resolution 1.000000s
awusbphy0: <Allwinner USB PHY> mem 0x1c13400-0x1c1340f,0x1c14800-0x1c14803,0x1c1
c800-0x1c1c803 on simplebus0
cpulist0: <Open Firmware CPU Group> on ofwbus0
cpu0: <Open Firmware CPU> on cpulist0
a10dmac0: <Allwinner DMA controller> mem 0x1c02000-0x1c02fff irq 0 on simplebus0
aw_mmc0: <Allwinner Integrated MMC/SD controller> mem 0x1c0f000-0x1c0ffff irq 7
on simplebus0
mmc0: <MMC/SD bus> on aw_mmc0
ohci0: <Generic OHCI Controller> mem 0x1c14400-0x1c144ff irq 13 on simplebus0
usbus0 on ohci0
ohci1: <Generic OHCI Controller> mem 0x1c1c400-0x1c1c4ff irq 19 on simplebus0
usbus1 on ohci1
gpioc0: <GPIO controller> on gpio0
aw_wdog0: <Allwinner A10 Watchdog> mem 0x1c20c90-0x1c20c9f on simplebus0
aw_ts0: <Allwinner Touch Screen controller> mem 0x1c25000-0x1c250ff irq 30 on si
uart0: console (115384,n,8,1)mem 0x1c28000-0x1c283ff irq 31 on simplebus0
Timecounters tick every 10.000 msec
usbus0: 12Mbps Full Speed USB v1.0
usbus1: 12Mbps Full Speed USB v1.0
ugen1.1: <Generic OHCI root HUB> at usbus1
uhub0: <Generic OHCI root HUB, class 9/0, rev 1.00/1.00, addr 1> on usbus1
ugen0.1: <Generic OHCI root HUB> at usbus0
uhub1: <Generic OHCI root HUB, class 9/0, rev 1.00/1.00, addr 1> on usbus0
mmcsd0: 8GB <SDHC SA08G 0.4 SN 9C800172 MFG 05/2010 by 2 TM> at mmc0 50.0MHz/4bi
Trying to mount root from cd9660:/dev/mmcsd0s2 []...
mmc0: Failed to set VCCQ for card at relative address 4660
WARNING: geom_mbr (geom mmcsd0) is deprecated, use gpart instead.
uhub0: 1 port with 1 removable, self powered
uhub1: 1 port with 1 removable, self powered
kern.coredump: 1 -> 0
net.inet.ip.forwarding: 0 -> 1
memory disk size = 10m
random: read_random_uio unblock wait
random: read_random_uio unblock wait
random: unblocking device.
lo0: link state changed to UP
Fri Jan 1 00:25:15 UTC 2010
login: Fatal kernel mode data abort: 'Translation Fault (L2)' on read
trapframe: 0xcdcf97f0
FSR=00000007, FAR=00000038, spsr=60000013
r0 =00000000, r1 =ceb35000, r2 =00000021, r3 =c05cbd90
r4 =00000000, r5 =00000000, r6 =00000200, r7 =2001a000
r8 =c0799c30, r9 =00000005, r10=c1c50a14, r11=cdcf98a8
r12=c05cbd90, ssp=cdcf9880, slr=00000001, pc =c048e0f8
panic: Fatal abort
time = 1262305996
KDB: enter: panic
[ thread pid 130 tid 100051 ]
Stopped at kdb_enter+0x58: ldrb r15, [r15, r15, ror r15]!
db> where
Tracing pid 130 tid 100051 td 0xceb35000
db_trace_self() at db_trace_self
pc = 0xc047b4f0 lr = 0xc0252180 (db_hex2dec+0x1ec)
sp = 0xcdcf93a0 fp = 0xcdcf93b8
db_hex2dec() at db_hex2dec+0x1ec
pc = 0xc0252180 lr = 0xc0251dd0 (db_command_loop+0x2d4)
sp = 0xcdcf93c0 fp = 0xcdcf9460
r4 = 0x00000001 r5 = 0x00000000
r6 = 0xc04d5023 r10 = 0xc05d219c
db_command_loop() at db_command_loop+0x2d4
pc = 0xc0251dd0 lr = 0xc0251b70 (db_command_loop+0x74)
sp = 0xcdcf9468 fp = 0xcdcf9478
r4 = 0xc04cb919 r5 = 0xc04cb5ef
r6 = 0xc05d2184 r7 = 0xc05632a0
r8 = 0xceb35000 r9 = 0xc0598248
r10 = 0xc05bac78
db_command_loop() at db_command_loop+0x74
pc = 0xc0251b70 lr = 0xc0255584 (db_fetch_ksymtab+0x2ec)
sp = 0xcdcf9480 fp = 0xcdcf9598
r4 = 0x00000000 r5 = 0xc05d2188
r6 = 0xc05bac90 r10 = 0xc05bac78
db_fetch_ksymtab() at db_fetch_ksymtab+0x2ec
pc = 0xc0255584 lr = 0xc036f568 (kdb_trap+0x100)
sp = 0xcdcf95a0 fp = 0xcdcf95c8
r4 = 0x00000000 r5 = 0x00000001
r6 = 0xc05bac90 r7 = 0xc05632a0
kdb_trap() at kdb_trap+0x100
pc = 0xc036f568 lr = 0xc049692c (undefinedinstruction+0x1e0)
sp = 0xcdcf95d0 fp = 0xcdcf9640
r4 = 0x00000000 r5 = 0x00000000
r6 = 0xc04965a0 r7 = 0xe7ffffff
r8 = 0xceb35000 r9 = 0xcdcf9648
r10 = 0xc036edfc
undefinedinstruction() at undefinedinstruction+0x1e0
pc = 0xc049692c lr = 0xc047ddc4 (exception_exit)
sp = 0xcdcf9648 fp = 0xcdcf96e0
r4 = 0xa00001d3 r5 = 0xcdcf971c
r6 = 0xc04c9f20 r7 = 0x00000000
r8 = 0xc05ac300 r9 = 0xceb35000
r10 = 0xc05df3e0
exception_exit() at exception_exit
pc = 0xc047ddc4 lr = 0xc036edec (kdb_enter+0x48)
sp = 0xcdcf96d8 fp = 0xcdcf96e0
r0 = 0xc05bac88 r1 = 0x00000000
r2 = 0x00000000 r3 = 0x00000000
r4 = 0xc04cf95c r5 = 0xcdcf971c
r6 = 0xc04c9f20 r7 = 0x00000000
r8 = 0xc05ac300 r9 = 0xceb35000
r10 = 0xc05df3e0 r12 = 0x00000000
kdb_enter() at kdb_enter+0x5c
pc = 0xc036ee00 lr = 0xc0334958 (vpanic+0x118)
sp = 0xcdcf96e8 fp = 0xcdcf9708
r4 = 0x00000100 r10 = 0xc05df3e0
vpanic() at vpanic+0x118
pc = 0xc0334958 lr = 0xc0334840 (vpanic)
sp = 0xcdcf9710 fp = 0xcdcf9714
r4 = 0xcdcf97f0 r5 = 0x00000013
r6 = 0x00000038 r7 = 0x00000007
r8 = 0x00000007 r9 = 0x00000000
r10 = 0x00000038
vpanic() at vpanic
pc = 0xc0334840 lr = 0xc0496220 (abort_handler+0x724)
sp = 0xcdcf971c fp = 0xcdcf9748
r4 = 0x00000007 r5 = 0x00000007
r6 = 0x00000000 r7 = 0x00000038
r8 = 0xcdcf9714 r9 = 0xc0334840
r10 = 0xcdcf971c
abort_handler() at abort_handler+0x724
pc = 0xc0496220 lr = 0xc0495fc8 (abort_handler+0x4cc)
sp = 0xcdcf9750 fp = 0xcdcf97e8
abort_handler() at abort_handler+0x4cc
pc = 0xc0495fc8 lr = 0xc047ddc4 (exception_exit)
sp = 0xcdcf97f0 fp = 0xcdcf98a8
r4 = 0x00000000 r5 = 0x00000000
r6 = 0x00000200 r7 = 0x2001a000
r8 = 0xc0799c30 r9 = 0x00000005
r10 = 0xc1c50a14
exception_exit() at exception_exit
pc = 0xc047ddc4 lr = 0x00000001 (0x1)
sp = 0xcdcf9880 fp = 0xcdcf98a8
r0 = 0x00000000 r1 = 0xceb35000
r2 = 0x00000021 r3 = 0xc05cbd90
r4 = 0x00000000 r5 = 0x00000000
r6 = 0x00000200 r7 = 0x2001a000
r8 = 0xc0799c30 r9 = 0x00000005
r10 = 0xc1c50a14 r12 = 0xc05cbd90
pmap_enter_quick() at pmap_enter_quick+0x194
pc = 0xc048e0f8 lr = 0xc048e5b8 (pmap_enter_object+0x1a4)
sp = 0xcdcf98b0 fp = 0xcdcf98e8
r4 = 0xc0799c30 r5 = 0x00000000
r6 = 0xc0799c48 r7 = 0xc1c50a14
r8 = 0x00000005 r9 = 0x2001a000
r10 = 0x0000001b
pmap_enter_object() at pmap_enter_object+0x1a4
pc = 0xc048e5b8 lr = 0xc04578a0 (vm_map_simplify_entry+0x540)
sp = 0xcdcf98f0 fp = 0xcdcf9940
r4 = 0xc1dfc498 r5 = 0x00000000
r6 = 0x0000001b r7 = 0x2001a000
r8 = 0xc0799c30 r9 = 0x00000004
r10 = 0xc079b850
vm_map_simplify_entry() at vm_map_simplify_entry+0x540
pc = 0xc04578a0 lr = 0xc0457080 (vm_map_insert+0x67c)
sp = 0xcdcf9948 fp = 0xcdcf9990
r4 = 0xc1c50960 r5 = 0x20035000
r6 = 0x00000000 r7 = 0x00000004
r8 = 0xceaed360 r9 = 0x00000000
r10 = 0x2001a000
vm_map_insert() at vm_map_insert+0x67c
pc = 0xc0457080 lr = 0xc0458078 (vm_map_fixed+0x104)
sp = 0xcdcf9998 fp = 0xcdcf99d0
r4 = 0xc1c50960 r5 = 0xc1dfc498
r6 = 0x20035000 r7 = 0x2001a000
r8 = 0x0000014a r9 = 0x00004000
r10 = 0x0001b000
vm_map_fixed() at vm_map_fixed+0x104
pc = 0xc0458078 lr = 0xc02e5dfc (elf32_populate_note+0x2da0)
sp = 0xcdcf99d8 fp = 0xcdcf9a20
r4 = 0x00004000 r5 = 0x00000005
r6 = 0x20035000 r7 = 0x2001a000
r8 = 0x0000010a r9 = 0x00000000
r10 = 0xc1dfc498
elf32_populate_note() at elf32_populate_note+0x2da0
pc = 0xc02e5dfc lr = 0xc02e5478 (elf32_populate_note+0x241c)
sp = 0xcdcf9a28 fp = 0xcdcf9a68
r4 = 0xd3a1ad40 r5 = 0x0000010a
r6 = 0x00004000 r7 = 0x0001ace8
r8 = 0x0001ace8 r9 = 0x00000000
r10 = 0x00000005
elf32_populate_note() at elf32_populate_note+0x241c
pc = 0xc02e5478 lr = 0xc02e5800 (elf32_populate_note+0x27a4)
sp = 0xcdcf9a70 fp = 0xcdcf9ac0
r4 = 0xd3a1ac00 r5 = 0x00000002
r6 = 0x00000000 r7 = 0x00000058
r8 = 0xcdcf9c50 r9 = 0xd3a1ad40
r10 = 0xcdcf9b24
elf32_populate_note() at elf32_populate_note+0x27a4
pc = 0xc02e5800 lr = 0xc02e50c4 (elf32_populate_note+0x2068)
sp = 0xcdcf9ac8 fp = 0xcdcf9b50
r4 = 0xce8bc000 r5 = 0xcdcf9c38
r6 = 0xc1c50960 r7 = 0xc05924b0
r8 = 0x00000000 r9 = 0x00012000
r10 = 0xcdcf9c50
elf32_populate_note() at elf32_populate_note+0x2068
pc = 0xc02e50c4 lr = 0xc0301fe0 (kern_execve+0x4d8)
sp = 0xcdcf9b58 fp = 0xcdcf9d80
r4 = 0x00000004 r5 = 0xceb6f400
r6 = 0xcdcf9c38 r7 = 0xcdcf9d4c
r8 = 0x00000000 r9 = 0xffffffff
r10 = 0xc05a96ec
kern_execve() at kern_execve+0x4d8
pc = 0xc0301fe0 lr = 0xc030181c (sys_execve+0xa0)
sp = 0xcdcf9d88 fp = 0xcdcf9dd8
r4 = 0xceb35000 r5 = 0xceb352a0
r6 = 0xc1c50960 r7 = 0x00000000
r8 = 0xbfbfe8cc r9 = 0x000cbbf4
r10 = 0x000cbbf0
sys_execve() at sys_execve+0xa0
pc = 0xc030181c lr = 0xc0495824 (swi_handler+0x1e8)
sp = 0xcdcf9de0 fp = 0xcdcf9e40
r4 = 0xceb35000 r5 = 0xceb41000
r6 = 0x00000000 r7 = 0x00000000
r8 = 0xbfbfe8cc r10 = 0x000cbbf0
swi_handler() at swi_handler+0x1e8
pc = 0xc0495824 lr = 0xc047dd54 (swi_exit)
sp = 0xcdcf9e48 fp = 0xbfbfe8b0
r4 = 0x200e3040 r5 = 0xbfbfe850
r6 = 0x200c1020 r7 = 0x0000003b
swi_exit() at swi_exit
pc = 0xc047dd54 lr = 0xc047dd54 (swi_exit)
sp = 0xcdcf9e48 fp = 0xbfbfe8b0
db> ps
pid ppid pgrp uid state wmesg wchan cmd
130 1 1 0 R CPU 0 init
48 1 48 0 Ss+ ttyin 0xcea5cc74 getty
45 1 45 0 Ss select 0xcea65824 syslogd
30 0 0 0 DL mdwait 0xcebcc000 [md0]
17 0 0 0 DL - 0xc05ac538 [schedcpu]
16 0 0 0 DL syncer 0xc05c1124 [syncer]
15 0 0 0 DL vlruwt 0xceb42000 [vnlru]
14 0 0 0 DL (threaded) [bufdaemon]
100042 D qsleep 0xc05c0aa4 [bufdaemon]
100049 D - 0xc0598700 [bufspacedaemon-0]
9 0 0 0 DL (threaded) [pagedaemon]
100041 D psleep 0xc05e0830 [dom0]
100047 D launds 0xc05e083c [laundry: dom0]
100048 D umarcl 0xc044e174 [uma]
8 0 0 0 DL mmcsd d 0xcea4f400 [mmcsd0: mmc/sd card]
7 0 0 0 DL - 0xc05c07bc [soaiod4]
6 0 0 0 DL - 0xc05c07bc [soaiod3]
5 0 0 0 DL - 0xc05c07bc [soaiod2]
4 0 0 0 DL - 0xc05c07bc [soaiod1]
3 0 0 0 DL - 0xc05a3b6c [rand_harvestq]
13 0 0 0 DL (threaded) [usb]
100020 D - 0xcea3aacc [usbus0]
100021 D - 0xcea3aafc [usbus0]
100022 D - 0xcea3ab2c [usbus0]
100023 D - 0xcea3ab5c [usbus0]
100024 D - 0xcea3ab8c [usbus0]
100026 D - 0xcea51acc [usbus1]
100027 D - 0xcea51afc [usbus1]
100028 D - 0xcea51b2c [usbus1]
100029 D - 0xcea51b5c [usbus1]
100030 D - 0xcea51b8c [usbus1]
2 0 0 0 DL (threaded) [cam]
100016 D - 0xc05a0980 [doneq0]
100035 D - 0xc05a086c [scanner]
12 0 0 0 DL (threaded) [geom]
100013 D - 0xc05d2504 [g_event]
100014 D - 0xc05d250c [g_up]
100015 D - 0xc05d2500 [g_down]
11 0 0 0 WL (threaded) [intr]
100004 I [swi6: task queue]
100005 I [swi6: Giant taskq]
100008 I [swi5: fast taskq]
100010 I [swi1: netisr 0]
100011 I [swi4: clock (0)]
100012 I [swi3: vm]
100017 I [aintc0,27: a10dmac0]
100018 I [aintc0,32: aw_mmc0]
100019 I [aintc0,64: ohci0]
100025 I [aintc0,65: ohci1]
100031 I [aintc0,29: aw_ts0]
100032 I [swi0: uart]
10 0 0 0 RL [idle]
1 0 1 0 SLs wait 0xc1df7000 [init]
0 0 0 0 DLs (threaded) [kernel]
100000 D swapin 0xc05d2520 [swapper]
100003 D - 0xc1855400 [kqueue_ctx taskq]
100006 D - 0xc1855280 [aiod_kick taskq]
100007 D - 0xc1855200 [thread taskq]
100009 D - 0xc1855100 [config_0]
100034 D - 0xc1854180 [CAM taskq]
100045 D - 0xceb38c80 [softirq_0]
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