Can't install FreeBSD version 12 on aarch64 eMAG

Tinh Nguyen tinguyen at
Mon Apr 8 22:20:36 UTC 2019

I forgot to attach the photo.


From: Tinh Nguyen
Sent: Monday, April 8, 2019 3:17 PM
To: freebsd-arm at
Subject: Can't install FreeBSD version 12 on aarch64 eMAG


I believe that I reach out to the right community.

Anyway, I tried to install the FreeBSD version 12 on our aarch64 eMAG, and it hang as shown in the attached photo.  Here's what I did:

  1.  Downloaded the binary "FreeBSD-12.0-RELEASE-arm64-aach64-memstick.img" and dd the image to the bootable usb stick.
  2.  Booted the eMAG system from the bootable USB stick and it hang at the location shown in the attached photo.

What could it be the possible issue here?



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