SFP port on ClearFog base

Peter Ankerstål peter at pean.org
Wed Apr 3 16:55:05 UTC 2019


Im trying to get FreeBSD running smoothly on my new ClearFog Base and right now I have a few network  problems. 

First the second rj45-port  didnt work at all, but after reading this: http://forum.solid-run.com/linux-kernel-and-bootloaders-f34/port-light-is-always-on-does-not-work-t3074.html I changed this in the u-boot code and now it seems to work, both in u-boot and FreeBSD.
-       { BOARD_MAC_SPEED_1000M, -1, -1, MV_TRUE},
+       { BOARD_MAC_SPEED_AUTO, 0x1, 0x1, MV_TRUE},

But I want to get the SFP-port working as well and I don't have any idea on where I should start. 

Any pointers?


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