Help getting Marvell-A388 SBC booted

Peter Ankerstål peter at
Tue Apr 2 15:43:24 UTC 2019

> On 2 Apr 2019, at 16:58, Marcin Wojtas <mw at> wrote:
> Peter,
> wt., 2 kwi 2019 o 12:50 Peter Ankerstål <peter at> napisał(a):
>>>> I have tried to write a few different u-boot to my eMMC with the same result.
>>>> dd if=u-boot-clearfog-base-mmc.kwb of=/dev/mmcblk0 bs=512 seek=1
>>>> 1. The ones built with sysutils/u-boot-clearfog
>>>> 2.
>>> Please try , as
>>> pointed in:
>> I did try to build it but I only had a FreeBSD machine readily available. But I guess I can try to build it in a VM.
> You can also dd SolidRun image
> and simply replace
> kernel/dtb in /boot directory after booting.

I want to compile it myself and for some reason those images does not seem to fit on my internal eMMC. 
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