Help getting Marvell-A388 SBC booted

Peter Ankerstål peter at
Mon Apr 1 21:20:05 UTC 2019

> On 1 Feb 2019, at 10:03, Marcin Wojtas <mw at> wrote:
> Hi Sören,
> pt., 1 lut 2019 o 09:18 <doc.solo at> napisał(a):
>> Hi Marcin,
>> I used this device tree: I did a crochet build of FreeBSD-12 with config from above mentioned github repo.
>> I will build everything from scratch now, but documentation is really sparse. So I still don't know what is really important to get FBSD booted. My understanding is, that U-Boot needs the API enabled and that there are some deviations from the linux device trees. Anything else?
> We made an effort to remove all deviations from the Linux device
> trees, when adding support to GENERIC config. Therefore any
> customisation is no longer needed (it was added long time before 12
> release). We also used unmodified u-boot from Marvell repos all the
> time. I need to check and help you (but not before the weekend :) ).


Im trying to get FreeBSD 12 running on the ClearFog Base (with eMMC). I have built a image using crochet with the modifications found at

But so far I have no luck getting it booted:
=> fatload mmc 0:2 0x1000000 armada-388-clearfog-base.dtb
reading armada-388-clearfog-base.dtb
24814 bytes read in 17 ms (1.4 MiB/s)
=> fatload mmc 0:2 0x2000000 ubldr.bin
reading ubldr.bin
367160 bytes read in 33 ms (10.6 MiB/s)
=> go 0x2000000
## Starting application at 0x02000000 ...
## Application terminated, rc = 0x1BADAB1

I have tried to write a few different u-boot to my eMMC with the same result.
dd if=u-boot-clearfog-base-mmc.kwb of=/dev/mmcblk0 bs=512 seek=1

1. The ones built with sysutils/u-boot-clearfog

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