
YAMAMOTO Shigeru shigeru at os-hackers.jp
Tue Mar 6 05:47:05 UTC 2018

Hi, all,

>>>>> "tech-lists" == tech-lists  <tech-lists at zyxst.net> writes:
tech-lists> Hi, Has anyone tried running the rpi2 with zfs (an attached hard
tech-lists> drive the thing having zfs filesystem)? I'd imagine it'd be slow
tech-lists> but is it usable?  Within expectations?

I tryed to work ZFS on RaspberryPi2 about 2 years ago.

ZFS on RaspberryPi2 is work, but it is slow, and NOT STABLE!

It is stop by assertion at zrl_destory().

Currently, I can't fix it.
and a ZFS on RaspberryPi2 environment is not running because it's filesystem
I need to create a new ZFS file system to test.

YAMAMOTO Shigeru <shigeru at os-hackers.jp>

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