RPI3 boot failure after self-built update to r330131 (Subtopic: How to properly update CURRENT on RPi3?)

Hyun Hwang hyun at caffeinated.codes
Fri Mar 2 20:19:14 UTC 2018


Recently after replacing my Transcend microSD card, I haven't had any chance to fiddle with my RPi3 until now. Yesterday I wrote the stock image of r330034 to my RPi3 and immediately tried a system update using the source. Now it cannot find the kernel and cannot boot.

Of course, the whole build on RPi3 itself is extremely slow, so I used another faster amd64 machine to cross-build it.
I used this command on the builder: `make -j8 TARGET=arm64 TARGET_ARCH=aarch64 KERNCONF=GENERIC buildworld buildkernel`. (I do not have `/etc/make.conf` and `/etc/src.conf`, so it is a vanilla build without any customization.)
Then after I mounted my SD card (`mount /dev/da0s2 /mnt/ && mount -tmsdosfs /dev/da0s1 /mnt/boot/msdos/`), I issued install: `make TARGET=arm64 TARGET_ARCH=aarch64 KERNCONF=GENERIC DESTDIR=/mnt/ installkernel installworld`.
After running mergemaster (`mergemaster -Ui -Aaarch64 -D/mnt/`; I'm deferring use of `etcupdate` for now), I copied everything from `/usr/local/share/u-boot/u-boot-rpi3/` to `/mnt/boot/msdos/`, and `/mnt/boot/boot1.efi` to `/mnt/boot/msdos/EFI/BOOT/bootaarch64.efi`. I referenced crochet's RaspberryPi3/setup.sh to know which files I need to copy.

Now, the boot fails with `can't find 'kernel'` message. I have doubled-checked that `/mnt/boot/kernel/kernel` exists before unmounting, and it is still there. My `/mnt/boot/loader.conf` has this line only: `autoboot_delay="1"`.

Did I do something wrong during above steps (I use this method on my RPi2) or is there any other specific update options I should have followed?
Hyun Hwang

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