no virtual/VGA console in Olimex A20 micro

Nacho Vidal nacho at
Wed Mar 8 16:27:53 UTC 2017


I'm configuring an Olimex A20 micro with FreeBSD 11 r306420, it's the official
image for the CubieBoard2 where I just changed the CB2 DTB for that of the
A20micro compiled from kernel sources.

Basically it boots fine, USB and ethernet seem to work and I can access it by
serial console and ssh; the problem is that I can't get virtual terminals on the
VGA monitor, also the usb keyboard doesn't work, it doesn't even light the Caps
Lock key, however USB works because I connect to internet with a usb 3g modem.

So I have the doubt if maybe there is no support at all for VGA output in this
board, or if I should load any module, use some option some place or recompile
the kernel with some specific driver support.

When booting it says:

VT: init without driver.


kbd0 at kbdmux0 (I guess this is the serial console keyboard?)

When doing conscontrol, it says:

Configured: ttyu0
 Available: ttyu0,ttyv0
    Muting: off

Then " sysctl kern.console=ttyv0" returns:

kern.console: ttyu0,/ttyu0,ttyv0, -> ttyv0,ttyu0,/ttyu0,ttyv0,

And after that conscontrol returns:

Configured: ttyv0,ttyu0
 Available: ttyu0,ttyv0
    Muting: off

But no output in the VGA monitor and the usb keyboard doesn't work either.

Then if I set kern.console=ttyv0 in /etc/sysctl.conf it hangs in the boot
process just here:

Starting file system checks:

It shows that "u" for 5 seconds or so and then reboot and does the same again
and again.

I tried to enable ttyv[1-7] in /dev/ttys, but after booting it just says:

getty[581]: open /dev/ttyv1: No such file or directory

I was trying to set up X with the scfb driver, but it seems the driver is not in
the kernel, and I don't see a module for it, it should be "sc.ko" isn't it?

If I could just get a 80x25 text console in the VGA monitor it would be great, I
guess it shouldn't be so difficult, isn't it?

Thank you very much for your help:


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