beaglebone black: MMC partition switch failed

jungle boogie jungleboogie0 at
Sun Apr 16 01:50:32 UTC 2017

Hi All,

It's been awhile since I've been able to run FreeBSD on my BBB. It was 
failing somewhere, but I didn't have good serial cable to see what was 

Using the latest freebsd head image:

I'm writing it to my microSD card:
sudo dd 
of=/dev/sdf bs=8M
128+0 records in
128+0 records out
1073741824 bytes (1.1 GB, 1.0 GiB) copied, 1.01005 s, 1.1 GB/s

Putting it in the BB and holding s2 for three seconds as mentioned in 
the FBSD Journal article[0].

Upon doing so, I see this:
U-Boot SPL 2017.01-rc3 (Apr 13 2017 - 12:30:59)
Trying to boot from MMC1** First descriptor is NOT a primary desc on 0:1 **
MMC partition switch failed
*** Warning - MMC partition switch failed, using default environment

** Partition 1 not valid on device 0 **
spl_register_fat_device: fat register err - -1
spl_load_image_fat: error reading image u-boot.img, err - -1
MMC partition switch failed
*** Warning - MMC partition switch failed, using default environment

spl: no partition table found
SPL: failed to boot from all boot devices
### ERROR ### Please RESET the board ###

I can boot u-boot and see the version:
U-Boot# version

U-Boot 2013.04-dirty (Jul 10 2013 - 14:02:53)
arm-angstrom-linux-gnueabi-gcc (Linaro GCC 4.7-2013.02-01) 4.7.3 
20130205 (prerelease)
GNU ld (GNU Binutils) 2.22

I can boot without an SD card and see armstrong. I just can't boot from 
the SD card.

Do I need to upgrade/downgrade u-boot to fix this?

ANY help will be appreciated! I want FreeBSD running again on my BBB.



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