could not process 'interrupts' property

Oleksandr Tymoshenko gonzo at
Sun Apr 28 21:10:44 UTC 2013

On 4/28/2013 1:39 PM, Jakob Alvermark wrote:
> Hi!
> I got my hands on an Olinuxino A13
> (
> It is based on the Allwinner A13, which is a stripped down A10 (no SATA,
> HDMI, only one USB host, fewer UARTs)
> Since we have (limited) A10 support in HEAD I thought I would give it a try.
> Starting from cubieboard I essentially just removed the second USB host
> and changed UART0 to UART1.
> When it boots I get the results below, "could not process 'interrupts'
> property".
> I can't figure out what's wrong, does anyone have a clue?
I saw this when there was no interrupt-parent property in FDT node.

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