Making a dynamically-linked root

Andrew Gallatin gallatin at
Tue Jun 3 04:53:19 PDT 2003

Alexey Dokuchaev writes:
 > > I don't want to sound harsh, and I do appreciate your work.  However,
 > > I think the last thing FreeBSD needs now is to get slower.  We're
 > > already far slower than that other free OS.  Shouldn't we consider
 > Can you show any evidence of how slow is RELENG_5 (and _4) compared to
 > those "other free OS"?  Some folks make such statements occasionally,
 > but I haven't heard of any decent benchmarks from them.  That would be
 > interesting to know though.  Thank you.

Sure, I can mail you benchmark results privately if you agree not to
repost them in a public forum.  I don't want the results public
because they use a pre-release version of my company's network device
driver, and because I no longer have the hosts to duplicate those
results.  The results were taken on old Dual PIIIs, which I've just
upgraded to 3.06Ghz P4s, and I haven't had time to re-run the numbers.

But you can also just run /usr/ports/www/webstone yourself.  You need
to saturate the server, so make sure to use multiple 100Mb links or a
Gig link if you have modern hardware.  I used apache for a server
because its seems to be the most common.


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