amd64/186485: Disks are not shown on Adaptec 5805 (added via passthrough to the VM)

Marios kaczorem at
Wed Feb 5 15:40:00 UTC 2014

>Number:         186485
>Category:       amd64
>Synopsis:       Disks are not shown on Adaptec 5805 (added via passthrough to the VM)
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       non-critical
>Priority:       low
>Responsible:    freebsd-amd64
>State:          open
>Class:          sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   current-users
>Arrival-Date:   Wed Feb 05 15:40:00 UTC 2014
>Originator:     Marios
>Release:        9.2.1 Beta
I created a virtual machine with installed FreeBSD on ESXi 5.5. I added controller Adaptec 5805 to the VM via passthrough. FreeBSD detects aac controller but does not show disks. (it does not matter whether JBODs or logical volumes are configured on Adaptec)

I did some tests and ex. it works well on Ubuntu - I can use all disks on controller which was added via passhrough to the virtual machine with Ubuntu.

Everything works well under "physical" FreeBSD.

Adding Adaptec controller via passthrough to the virtual machine.
Not known.


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