SCSI and other PCI cards

Fred Clift fclift at
Tue May 6 08:36:40 PDT 2003

On Sat, 3 May 2003, Kevin A. Pieckiel wrote:

> Correct me if I'm wrong, but PCI is PCI is PCI.  If I go to my local
> computer store or favorite online reseller and buy the latest and greatest
> 64-bit PCI Adaptec SCSI card (and probably some nice hard drives to go

I have an adaptec pci scsi controller in my PWS500au and for non-boot
purposes it works great -- this particular card is a somewhat older narrow
card that I use for an occasional external cdrom or tape drive.  I have
hooked disks up to it in the past, but my external drive encosure's power
supply died violently taking one of the disks with it.  At any rate, as
others have pointed out, for non-booting, this will work just fine,
probably.  Try different slots if you have initial problems getting the
card to work.


Fred Clift - fclift at -- Remember: If brute
force doesn't work, you're just not using enough.

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