SCSI and other PCI cards

Wilko Bulte wkb at
Sat May 3 08:27:15 PDT 2003

On Sat, May 03, 2003 at 08:40:31AM -0500, Dan Williams wrote:
> Hi,
> I currently have a Adaptec 2940UW in my AS1000A 5/400.  It works just fine
> in FreeBSD.  But, because the card actually came from a Mac, and has the
> Mac BIOS, of course it isn't seen by the SRM console and won't boot.  So

AS1000A SRM most likely*) will not be able to boot from any Adaptec, 
Mac firmware or not.

*) most likely as in: I have not tried it, but I'm really quite sure.

|   / o / /_  _   		wilko at
|/|/ / / /(  (_)  Bulte				

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