Alpha and labels stuff

Dejan Lesjak dejan.lesjak at
Wed Jul 16 13:27:52 PDT 2003

Pierrick Brossin wrote:

> Bernd Walter wrote:
>> From within FreeBSD:
>> dd if=/dev/zero bs=10240 count=1 of=/dev/adn
>> replace adn with ad0 or whatever your disk is named.
> Did it from my FBSD 5.1-C x86 machine.
> It writed the 10240 bytes successfully but it's still not working on the
> alpha :)
> It says "You can only do this in a disk slice (at top of screen)"
> Thanks for helping, I really appreciate!

When I tried to install FreeBSD on alphas, I didn't get that error, however in 
label editor there was no space for creating labels showed, so I don't know 
if this will work. Anyway, try getting live-filesystem disk (rescue disk, 
5.1-RELEASE-alpha-disc2.iso), then from installer go to Fixit and choose 
CDROM/DVD. That should get you to command prompt. You should then find 
bsdlabel program (/sbin/bsdlabel or /mnt/sbin/bsdlabel, I don't recall 
exactly) and use
# /path/to/bsdlabel -w /dev/adn
to create standard disklabel. Sysinstall should then recognise this label and 
show free space to create labels on.
I hope this helps in any way.


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