Alpha and labels stuff

John Baldwin jhb at
Wed Jul 16 12:00:06 PDT 2003

On 16-Jul-2003 Bernd Walter wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 16, 2003 at 02:27:21AM +0000, Pierrick Brossin wrote:
>> Bernd Walter wrote:
>> >From within FreeBSD:
>> >dd if=/dev/zero bs=10240 count=1 of=/dev/adn
>> >replace adn with ad0 or whatever your disk is named.
>> Did it from my FBSD 5.1-C x86 machine.
>> It writed the 10240 bytes successfully but it's still not working on the
>> alpha :)
> Maybe you need to write more then count=1.
> I'm unshure about the exact bit pattern and position that causes this
> kind of problem.
>> It says "You can only do this in a disk slice (at top of screen)"
> As long as dd claimed to succed I think the blocks were written.

It may be that sysinstall/libdisk is back to failing to work on a
blank disk.  I have seen this problem in the past but can't remember
if it was ever fixed.


John Baldwin <jhb at>  <><
"Power Users Use the Power to Serve!"  -

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