Installation Porblem for 5.1R and Alpha500a

=?gb2312?q?Jun=20Su?= csujun at
Fri Jul 4 06:38:04 PDT 2003

Hi All,

I am a newbie of Alpha. I know little about alpha. I
tried to install 5.1R to alpha box. I successfully
booted to the sysinstall. However in the bsdlabel, I
can not find any disk in it. 

When I check the boot message, I found my scsi disk is
regonized as /dev/da0. In the alt-F2 debug screen, the
bsdlabel said found a disk /dev/da0. The scsi disk is
empty and it is low formatted :)

What is the problem?? I google, someone said that zero
the first sector will solve the problem. However I
have no OS in the machine now. Maybe I need download
the disc-2....

Thank you for your help.



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