Unable to resume amd64 machine

Gustau Pérez i Querol gperez at entel.upc.edu
Tue Jun 26 12:17:15 UTC 2012


   I've trying to suspend/resume an amd64 machine. The machine is a 
fujitsu S710 laptop running:

          FreeBSD 10.0-CURRENT #4 r237339=e61ad3a-dirty: Sat Jun 23 
17:12:58 CEST 2012

   I did the tests in the following conditions:

   - No X loaded. Everything in console. The machine has an Intel video 
card, but the i915kms wasn't there.
   - When removing modules, I tried in single user mode.

   The behavior is basically the machine seems to suspend fine (I see 
the power led blinking) but when resuming it freezes hard. I see the 
disk spinning for a while and then it stops. I can't ssh to it, I can't 
use the keyboard at all so I can issue no command at all.

   I've tried stripping down the kernel (everything is out except 
if_ath, em and usb stack). No pccard, no sdhci, no sound, no cuse4bsd, 
no usb hid devices (I'm using uhidd for hid devices), no acpi_video or 
acpi_fujitsu there but the same result.

   I tried enabling debug.acpi.resume_beep=1. When doing this, the 
laptop beeped like crazy.

   With sysctl debug.acpi.suspend_bounce=1, the suspend put the screen 
blank, however the machine stayed alive.

   With acpi.reset_video I got no result.

   I tried using the serial console on the laptop. I saw the suspend 
process taking down some usb devices. Resume showed nothing on the 
serial console.

   Disabling devices in the BIOS (removing wifi, bluetooth, webcam, etc 
...) didn't bring me further.


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O O O Gustau Pérez i Querol
O O O Departament d'Enginyeria Telemàtica
O O O Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
       Edifici C3 - Despatx S101-B
  UPC  Campus Nord UPC
       C/ Jordi Girona, 1-3
       08034 - Barcelona

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