acpi no sound, acpi disabled no serial on IBM kiosk

Nate Lawson nate at
Tue Jul 22 23:07:30 UTC 2008

John Baldwin wrote:
> On Tuesday 22 July 2008 05:28:45 pm Brock Williams wrote:
>> Yeah, I guess I should have said more about the problem.  in the ACPI case 
>> I do see the devices there, but they don't work.  For example, the machine 
>> has an elotouch touchscreen which works great w/o ACPI but doesn't with.  
>> When I try to cat the device with ACPI enabled,  I get nothing.  Without 
>> acpi I get the expected touchscreen data when touching the screen.  We 
>> also have a dallas ibutton reader hooked up to another port and it acts 
>> the same way.
> Hmm, they seem to have all the same I/O resources (ports and IRQs), so I don't 
> see anything that would make them not work.  Also, there isn't anything in 
> the AML for these devices that I can see that would help (no _INI or _REG 
> methods, etc.).

Just to confirm -- you are switching the device names when you "cat the 
device", right (sio0, 1, 2)?


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