acpi no sound, acpi disabled no serial on IBM kiosk

John Baldwin jhb at
Tue Jul 22 22:18:31 UTC 2008

On Tuesday 22 July 2008 05:28:45 pm Brock Williams wrote:
> Yeah, I guess I should have said more about the problem.  in the ACPI case 
> I do see the devices there, but they don't work.  For example, the machine 
> has an elotouch touchscreen which works great w/o ACPI but doesn't with.  
> When I try to cat the device with ACPI enabled,  I get nothing.  Without 
> acpi I get the expected touchscreen data when touching the screen.  We 
> also have a dallas ibutton reader hooked up to another port and it acts 
> the same way.

Hmm, they seem to have all the same I/O resources (ports and IRQs), so I don't 
see anything that would make them not work.  Also, there isn't anything in 
the AML for these devices that I can see that would help (no _INI or _REG 
methods, etc.).

> Brock
> On Tuesday 22 July 2008 11:53:07 am John Baldwin wrote:
> > On Tuesday 22 July 2008 11:58:51 am Brock Williams wrote:
> > > I'm trying to get our point of sale product ported to run on then new
> > > IBM Anyplace Kiosks running FreeBSD 7.0.  When we leave ACPI enabled,
> > > the onboard sound works but the serial ports aren't detected.  When we
> > > disable ACPI, the serial ports work great but the sound doesn't work.
> > >
> > > I've made the dmesg and devinfo both with and without acpi, sysctl
> > > hw.acpi, and the asl available here:
> > >
> > >
> > > I've also attached the 2 dmesg outputs here.  Anyone have any ideas
> > > what might be going on?  I can't figure it out.  Everything is enabled
> > > in the BIOS and we have checked that the version is the lastest
> > > available...
> >
> > Looks like your serial ports are there in the ACPI case, but they are at
> > sio0, sio1, and sio2.  In the non-ACPI case the hints cause the serial
> > ports to show up at sio0, sio3, and sio4 instead.
> -- 
> Brock Williams  brock at
> Cottonwood Computer Solutions, Inc.
> 406-896-4910

John Baldwin

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