[Fwd: Re: i386/112778: powerd is using sysctl "dev.cpu.0.freq_levels" instead of correct(?) "dev.est.0.freq_settings"]

Remko Lodder remko at elvandar.org
Wed May 23 12:00:06 UTC 2007

Hi all,

I ment this to go to acpi@ instead of arch@ (apologies!): Can you have a
look at the idea of Tijl and see if that is something worth persueing?


---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: Re: i386/112778: powerd is using sysctl "dev.cpu.0.freq_levels"
instead of correct(?) "dev.est.0.freq_settings"
From:    "Tijl Coosemans" <tijl at ulyssis.org>
Date:    Wed, May 23, 2007 1:10 pm
To:      freebsd-i386 at FreeBSD.org

The following reply was made to PR i386/112778; it has been noted by GNATS.

From: Tijl Coosemans <tijl at ulyssis.org>
To: bug-followup at freebsd.org, ggg_mail at inbox.ru
Subject: Re: i386/112778: powerd is using sysctl "dev.cpu.0.freq_levels"
instead of correct(?) "dev.est.0.freq_settings"
Date: Wed, 23 May 2007 12:31:04 +0200

 You can set a lower bound with e.g. `sysctl debug.cpufreq.lowest=600`
 Powerd doesn't have to be changed. I think it would be better to give
 that sysctl a more official name like dev.cpu(.X).freq_lowest though,
 but that's up to acpi@ not i386 at .
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     Remko Lodder               ** remko at elvandar.org
     FreeBSD                    ** remko at FreeBSD.org

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