cvs commit: src UPDATING src/etc Makefile src/etc/defaults rc.conf src/etc/mtree BIND.chroot.dist BSD.root.dist BSD.var.dist src/etc/namedb make-localhost named.conf src/etc/rc.d named

Brian Somers brian at
Tue Sep 28 14:00:44 PDT 2004

Shouldn't you remove /etc/namedb/s from BSD.root.dist if this is going
to be the approved way of running bind, or is the plan to support
/etc/namedb/ configs too?


On Tue, 28 Sep 2004 09:46:00 +0000 (UTC), Doug Barton <dougb at> wrote:
> dougb       2004-09-28 09:46:00 UTC
>   FreeBSD src repository
>   Modified files:
>     .                    UPDATING 
>     etc                  Makefile 
>     etc/defaults         rc.conf 
>     etc/mtree            BIND.chroot.dist BSD.root.dist 
>                          BSD.var.dist 
>     etc/namedb           make-localhost named.conf 
>     etc/rc.d             named 
>   Log:
>   Create a named chroot directory structure in /var/named, and use it
>   by default when named is enabled. Also, improve our default directory
>   layout by creating /var/named/etc/namedb/{master|slave} directories,
>   and use the former for the generated localhost* files.
>   Rather than using pax to copy device entries, mount devfs in the
>   chroot directory.
>   There may be some corner cases where things need to be adjusted,
>   but overall this structure has been well tested on a production
>   network, and should serve the needs of the vast majority of users.
>   UPDATING has instructions on how to do the conversion for those
>   with existing configurations.
>   Revision  Changes    Path
>   1.364     +27 -0     src/UPDATING
>   1.331     +9 -4      src/etc/Makefile
>   1.218     +1 -1      src/etc/defaults/rc.conf
>   1.2       +3 -6      src/etc/mtree/BIND.chroot.dist
>   1.73      +0 -4      src/etc/mtree/BSD.root.dist
>   1.70      +2 -0      src/etc/mtree/BSD.var.dist
>   1.7       +7 -5      src/etc/namedb/make-localhost
>   1.16      +6 -5      src/etc/namedb/named.conf
>   1.14      +30 -10    src/etc/rc.d/named

Brian <brian at>                        <brian@[uk.]>
      <>                   <brian@[uk.]>
Don't _EVER_ lose your sense of humour !

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