cvs commit: src UPDATING src/etc Makefile src/etc/defaults rc.conf src/etc/mtree BIND.chroot.dist BSD.root.dist BSD.var.dist src/etc/namedb make-localhost named.conf src/etc/rc.d named

Doug Barton dougb at
Tue Sep 28 02:46:01 PDT 2004

dougb       2004-09-28 09:46:00 UTC

  FreeBSD src repository

  Modified files:
    .                    UPDATING 
    etc                  Makefile 
    etc/defaults         rc.conf 
    etc/mtree            BIND.chroot.dist BSD.root.dist 
    etc/namedb           make-localhost named.conf 
    etc/rc.d             named 
  Create a named chroot directory structure in /var/named, and use it
  by default when named is enabled. Also, improve our default directory
  layout by creating /var/named/etc/namedb/{master|slave} directories,
  and use the former for the generated localhost* files.
  Rather than using pax to copy device entries, mount devfs in the
  chroot directory.
  There may be some corner cases where things need to be adjusted,
  but overall this structure has been well tested on a production
  network, and should serve the needs of the vast majority of users.
  UPDATING has instructions on how to do the conversion for those
  with existing configurations.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.364     +27 -0     src/UPDATING
  1.331     +9 -4      src/etc/Makefile
  1.218     +1 -1      src/etc/defaults/rc.conf
  1.2       +3 -6      src/etc/mtree/BIND.chroot.dist
  1.73      +0 -4      src/etc/mtree/BSD.root.dist
  1.70      +2 -0      src/etc/mtree/BSD.var.dist
  1.7       +7 -5      src/etc/namedb/make-localhost
  1.16      +6 -5      src/etc/namedb/named.conf
  1.14      +30 -10    src/etc/rc.d/named

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