Stephen Montgomery-Smith
stephen at
Fri Sep 21 13:03:54 UTC 2012
On 09/21/2012 06:43 AM, Julian H. Stacey wrote:
> "Klaus T. Aehlig" wrote:
>> Hi,
>>> You will have to apply the patch to /usr/src/usr.sbin/ctm/ctm and
>>> rebuild ctm. (I think "make depend && make && make install" is what you
>>> need to do.)
>> sorry if I missed something, but may I suggest another patch (see attached,
>> to be applied on top of the other patches). With the change to svn, the
>> name of the deltas has changed from .gz to .xz, which has the effect that
>> ctm_rmail no longer finds the missing pieces in the pieces directory so
>> one would have to apply them by hand...
>> Best regards,
>> Klaus
> My ctms are applying automaticaly (without this patch),
> (but occasionaly some pieces didnt get assembled to deltas, but
> I didnt pay much attention why or what length names, I just assumed
> email loss, & ftp'd afresh.
> However various newer streams use longer names eg:
> cvs-cur.18865.gz
> svn-cur.00776.xz
> svn-ports-cur.00019.xz
> src-cur.10586.gz
> so your patch seems plausible.
> These also need considering:
> mkCTM/mkCTM:11: if {[file exists [format "%s/$CTMname.%04d" $CTMdest $nbr]]} { return 1 }
> mkCTM/mkCTM:12: if {[file exists [format "%s/$CTMname.%04d.gz" $CTMdest $nbr]]} { return 1 }
> PS it mentions gz but not xz too ? Hmm ....
> mkCTM/mkCTM:111: set nm [format "%s.%04d%s" $CTMname $CTMnbr $CTMsuff]
> Sorry no time to read code more, over to others.
Right now, I have a mkCTM and a mkSVN.
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