
Stephen Montgomery-Smith stephen at
Fri Sep 21 13:02:42 UTC 2012

On 09/20/2012 11:47 PM, Klaus T. Aehlig wrote:
> Hi,
>> You will have to apply the patch to /usr/src/usr.sbin/ctm/ctm and
>> rebuild ctm.  (I think "make depend && make && make install" is what you
>> need to do.)
> sorry if I missed something, but may I suggest another patch (see attached,
> to be applied on top of the other patches). With the change to svn, the
> name of the deltas has changed from .gz to .xz, which has the effect that
> ctm_rmail no longer finds the missing pieces in the pieces directory so
> one would have to apply them by hand...

Can you think of a way that ctm_rmail would work in both instances 
(check both for 4 and 5 digit numbers, and check gz and xz)?  I think 
that is what is needed if the tool is to be universal.

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