Possible CTM glitch

Stephen Montgomery-Smith stephen at missouri.edu
Sat Jan 7 23:36:35 UTC 2012

On 01/06/2012 06:47 PM, Stephen Montgomery-Smith wrote:
> On 01/06/2012 04:22 PM, Peter Jeremy wrote:
>> Hi Stephen,
>> I update via cvs-cur and seem to be missing recent updates to
>> src/sys/conf/files,v - starting with r229366 or v1.1635
>> The SVN log message for r229366 includes a change to
>> src/sys/conf/files and this shows up in
>> http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/cvsweb.cgi/src/sys/conf/files as v1.1635.
>> cvs-cur.18118.gz includes the relevant change to
>> ncvs/CVSROOT-src/commitlogs/sys but no change to sys/conf/files,v.
>> I've looked through more recent deltas and see later commits to
>> sys/conf/files showing up in commitlogs but not in files,v.
>> I've checked with a friend who uses csup and his sys/conf/files,v
>> is correct. It looks like either the delta generator got confused
>> or your upstream has an issue. Could you please look into it.
> My upstream cvsup provider is cvsup-master.freebsd.org. Something was
> definitely damaged, but I'm not sure whether it was at my end or
> their's. I am now switching to cvsup11.freebsd.org, which looks good.
> This probably means that recent changes to src-* are also damaged.
> These should all get fixed the next time more deltas are created.

Now I switched back to cvsup-master, and it is still OK.  I think it 
must have been a problem at my end.  But I don't know what it was. 
Anyway, it should be fixed now, and the fixes should have made their way 
to the all the deltas.

What would really help is if instead of getting the cvs via cvsup, that 
I could get them using rsync.  Anyone know a good place to get this from?


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