Possible CTM glitch

Stephen Montgomery-Smith stephen at missouri.edu
Sat Jan 7 00:47:45 UTC 2012

On 01/06/2012 04:22 PM, Peter Jeremy wrote:
> Hi Stephen,
> I update via cvs-cur and seem to be missing recent updates to
> src/sys/conf/files,v - starting with r229366 or v1.1635
> The SVN log message for r229366 includes a change to
> src/sys/conf/files and this shows up in
> http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/cvsweb.cgi/src/sys/conf/files as v1.1635.
> cvs-cur.18118.gz includes the relevant change to
> ncvs/CVSROOT-src/commitlogs/sys but no change to sys/conf/files,v.
> I've looked through more recent deltas and see later commits to
> sys/conf/files showing up in commitlogs but not in files,v.
> I've checked with a friend who uses csup and his sys/conf/files,v
> is correct.  It looks like either the delta generator got confused
> or your upstream has an issue.  Could you please look into it.

My upstream cvsup provider is cvsup-master.freebsd.org.  Something was 
definitely damaged, but I'm not sure whether it was at my end or 
their's.  I am now switching to cvsup11.freebsd.org, which looks good.

This probably means that recent changes to src-* are also damaged.

These should all get fixed the next time more deltas are created.

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