CTM deltas not on ftp.freebsd.org

Jun Kuriyama kuriyama at FreeBSD.org
Mon Nov 26 16:59:38 PST 2007

At Mon, 26 Nov 2007 17:32:34 -0600,
Stephen Montgomery-Smith wrote:
> I am presuming that your suggestions are meant for the ftp-master end, 
> which I have no control over.  Other sites are doing fine getting stuff 
> from my end - the CTM creating computer - so I suspect that it is not a 
> problem with a firewall at my end.
> I copied the message to peter at freebsd.org, because he is the person the 
> error message from ftp-master is copied to.  But is there someone else 
> responsible for freebsd-master  I could contact about this?

There is a development/CTM/.cvs-cur.13900xEmpty.gz.MrUSIH file which
seems to be tempfile of rsync (currently 202MB).  Timestamp is 15
minutes ago.

Should I kill rsync process on ftp-master and try it again?

Jun Kuriyama <kuriyama at FreeBSD.org> // FreeBSD Project

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