CTM deltas not on ftp.freebsd.org

Stephen Montgomery-Smith stephen at math.missouri.edu
Mon Nov 26 15:32:43 PST 2007

Julian H. Stacey wrote:
> Hi Stephen
>> This issue hasn't cleared up yet.  I don't even know if the problem is 
>> at my end or theirs.  All I know is that everyone else's rsync is 
>> working just fine.
>> If anyone has any ideas or clues about this I would really appreciate it.
> OK, I know you'r using rsync not eg rdist that I know, but if you are using
> something like eg	-P /usr/bin/ssh		(that I use with rdist ...
> maybe its your transport layer screwed ?
> Whenever I get problems with with rdist6, I just try a straight ssh
> & see if it starts without error & holds up.
> Maybe its' something in your environment variables ?
> Maybe you might try eg
> 	cd ~/bin ; fetch http://berklix.com/~jhs/bin/.csh/unsetenv.csh
> 	source ~/bin/unsetenv.csh
> Or maybe someone's zapping your packets on a firewall ?
> Try from another site.
> Maybe extra interface / packet warnings in /var/log one end or the other ?
> Just long shots to try. Sorry no better ideas, I rarely use rsync myself.
> Umm final though if you want to try from one of my hosts let me know off list
> Or I could run something for you.

I am presuming that your suggestions are meant for the ftp-master end, 
which I have no control over.  Other sites are doing fine getting stuff 
from my end - the CTM creating computer - so I suspect that it is not a 
problem with a firewall at my end.

I copied the message to peter at freebsd.org, because he is the person the 
error message from ftp-master is copied to.  But is there someone else 
responsible for freebsd-master  I could contact about this?

I am copying this time to hubs at freebsd as well.  Maybe they can help.


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