Fwd: Re: AIC7902, U320 and Seagate drives

Oliver Hitz oliver at net-track.ch
Mon May 3 13:39:13 PDT 2004

Of course, this was also meant to be sent to the mailing list...

----- Forwarded message from Oliver Hitz <oliver at net-track.ch> -----

Date: Mon, 3 May 2004 22:35:27 +0200
From: Oliver Hitz <oliver at net-track.ch>
To: Don Bowman <don at sandvine.com>
Subject: Re: AIC7902, U320 and Seagate drives

Hi Don,

On 03 May 2004, Don Bowman wrote:
> Turn off QAS and you will probably find all your problems
> go away.

Unfortunately the machine is in production now (running at U160) and I
don't have BIOS access currently. I'll give it a try the next time I
visit the data center.


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