SCSI driver causing kernel crash!

Justin T. Gibbs gibbs at
Thu Jun 28 07:24:30 PDT 2001

>Hi people,
>I am running Red Hat 7.1 (tried with both original 2.4
>and latest RH 2.4.3-12 (?) kernel) trying to use a
>Yamaha CD burner CRW8424S with a Adaptec AHA 2930 SCSI
>I noticed in the Red Hat release notes that the SCSI
>driver has been updated.

The driver you are running is the older aic7xxx driver.
During an expert install, you should be able to chose
"aic7xxx_new", assuming you want to try the new driver.
This is probably the same driver Mandrake is using and
happens to be the one that is maintained.


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