Problems with P5A-B and Adaptec 2940 UW and K6-III 400

Ph. Michel no_spam_phm at
Mon May 3 23:41:24 PDT 1999

Did you already try the 2.0.36 kernel version ? What do you have for SCSI devices ? Did
you try to put them all away until the deeded disks ? Please CC to the mailing list, so
that the developpers can read this too. Some devices may be handled differently.... In
/pro/scsi you have some files where interesting information can be found.....just have
I look. Of course, the /proc filesystem must be compiled into the kernel....


Hinrich Aue wrote:

> Am Sun, 02 May 1999 schriebst Du:
> >I have the same board, and a 2940-UW. My kernel is 2.0.36, patched to
> >the 5.1.6 driver. And everything is right.
> >
> >You may have memory corruption, or your driver version is too old.
> >
> >Philippe.
> >
> >p.s. I thing the actual driver version is 5.1.15, isn't it ?
> >
> >>
> >> I have big problems with my P5A-B, K6-III 400 and the Adaptec 2940 UW.
> >> I upgraded my System from P133. I already had some Problems, but no it`s really
> >> a big problem. Anytime I boot, it show´s me that my filesystems contains errors.
> >> No matter wich one, because the defect Filesystem changes nearly every boot
> >> up. I use kernel 2.2.7. If you can´t help me, please send me an E-mail adress of
> >> somebody else I can talk to.
> >>
> >>
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> >
> >--
> >-
> >- Ph.MICHEL
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> Thank you first.
> Now I made ist work partially. I can boot witch 10Mb/sec at each device, not
> more. But when i use more, the Controller does some bus-resetting, and i must
> reset my machine. Now I use the 5.1.16 driver with kernel 2.2.5.

- Philippe MICHEL
- phm at
- phmichel at

=> Dispensé de Politesse envers la PUB Sauvage !!!

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