Strange interaction between ParPort and AIC7xxx in 2.2.0-prex

Daniel Veillard Daniel.Veillard at
Mon Jan 11 03:44:49 PST 1999

  Hi all,

 I'm facing something really weird. I'm currently using a P133, with a 
3 years old 2940UW, on an old ASUS MB. The machine has proved being
stable under 2.2.0-pre5.
 Recently I tried to use the PLIP module and couldn't insert the module
the parallel port driver was compiled in. So I recompiled a kernel with
the parallel port support (and PC HW version) compiled as a module. 
 To my surprise, at the reboot the AIC7xxx driver hung in the following
aborting command due to timeout Pid 0 Scsi 0 channel 0 Id 0 Lun 0
Test Unit Ready 00 00 00 00 00
SCSI host 0 abort (pid 0) timed out -resetting
bus is being reset for host 0 channel 0 
SCSI host 0 abort (pid 0) timed out - trying harder
and the loop on trying harder goes on indefinitely.

  I didn't believe that the change on the inclusion or not of the ParPort
would trigger the previous behaviour of the SCSI driver so I fetched pre6
and did two different compile on two different tree with the only single
difference in the configuration being the following:
diff linux-2.2.0-pre6-1/.config linux-2.2.0-pre6-2/.config

  After successful compilation and installation, I tried to reboot the
linux-2.2.0-pre6-2 kernel and again the driver hung while the kernel
linux-2.2.0-pre6-1 booted fine, so this seems reproductible. 

  I'm puzzled, maybe there is some parallel port driver code initialization
which change some setting on my motherboard.

  Can someone else reproduce this ? Even better can someone else explain
and possibly fix that ?


Daniel.Veillard at | W3C  MIT/LCS  NE43-344  | Today's Bookmarks :
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