AHA2940UW problem....

Chytracek Radovan chytrace at ns.saske.sk
Mon Oct 26 08:17:51 PST 1998

Hello gurus,

        we'd like to use DLT 4000 tape drive connected to Linux box via
AHA2940UW adapter. No way to make the beast initialize itself during boot.

The 1st try was with 2.0.35 kernel but no success.

Then I was suggested to try the latest aic7xxx driver, so I got 2.1.125
kernel and installed it. The first config was with SCSI support and
aic7xxx compiled as loadable module. After playing with some settings I
made the adapter initialize itself and I was able to see after dumping
/proc/scsi/scsi that DLT 4000 is recognized but after the try with tar the
process hung up and I was not able to kill it.
After reboot I was not able to do initialize it again.

Now I have kernel 2.1.125 with aic7xxx compiled in the kernel. My settings

aha2940uw: id=7, termination automatic
dlt 4000: id=0, termination enabled
LILO options: aic7xxx=verbose:0x39,override_term:0xf,stpwlev:0x0

With these options the driver gets looping in an infinite loop.

May be I didn't give you all the needed settings and error message but you
can let me know I can supply them.



# Radovan Chytracek     Slovak Academy of Sciences            #
#                       Watsonova 47,Kosice,04001,            #
#                       Slovak Republic                       #
# phone: +42 95 633 2741-2 , ext. 156  fax : +42 95 633 6292  #
# Linux iii  is the #            chytrace at saske.sk            #
# best (0 0) choice #      http://www.saske.sk/~chytrace      #

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