How do I change the sector size?

Brett Smith Bsmith at
Tue Nov 17 10:48:16 PST 1998

Try using the SCSI Mode select command to change the block size.  Page 3 has

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Grover Davidson [SMTP:devildog at]
> Sent:	Tuesday, November 17, 1998 3:29 AM
> To:	aic7xxx at FreeBSD.ORG
> Subject:	How do I change the sector size?
> Hi everyone!
> I know this is not specifically an AIC7XXX question, but I am sure
> someone here can help. I have obtained some HP drives (because they were
> free) but they have been setuo with 520 bytes/sector. How do I change
> this to 512?
> Thanks!!
> Grover
> devildog at
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