More problems with AIC-7861 Rev. 3

Peter Pointner peter at
Mon Apr 20 10:51:53 PDT 1998


I still cannot get the new 2940AU stable on a Tyan PPro motherboard.
Meanwhile I tried it in a different system: A DTK board with a 233 MHz
AMD K6. Result: The slightly patched 2.0.29 kernel I normally use seems to
work. At least it runs "bonnie -s 1000" without scsi timeouts.

But Linux with 2.0.33 and aic7xxx 5.0.12 does not even detect the devices:
Timeout on test unit ready, then continuously on reset. If I replace the
adapter with an older one (with AIC-7861 Rev. 1), all is okay.

Any ideas?


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