Call for comments: bug 262883 - renaming xfce metapackage pkgname

From: Guido Falsi <>
Date: Mon, 28 Mar 2022 15:11:00 UTC
Hi all,

As you may have seen a bug report has been filed suggesting a rename of 
the xfce metapackage.

I don't feel like taking a decision on this matter by myself. Renaming a 
package has consequences for users that go against POLA, and I'm not 
sure a consistency change is worth the effort.

I have stated my observations in more detail in the bug report:

I'm asking if other committers (especially xfce memebers) and xfce 
desktop users to please read the bug report if you have time and 
contribute their thought and opinions. I'd rather see this resolved with 
a consensus, since it's not just a technical issue.

I really don't feel like making such a call by myself without asking 
others in the community.

Thanks in advance!

Guido Falsi <>