Re: periodic daily takes a very long time to run (14-stable)

From: Guido Falsi <>
Date: Fri, 27 Oct 2023 21:50:38 UTC
On 27/10/23 19:09, void wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 27, 2023 at 05:38:58PM +0200, Guido Falsi wrote:
>> If this script is the culprit is easily tested, disable it and see. I 
>> guess you can stay a few days without checking for negative permissions.
> I'm unsure how to disable that one script from periodic. but I think
> that what you recommend following it is better:
>> Also, $MP is defined in such a way to exclude filesystems that set 
>> "nosuid/noexec". I do happen to have those setup for my ccache 
>> directory so it is skipping that.
> doing this right now. thanks for the tip.
> BTW the same initial symptoms happening again even after
> disabling daily_clean. I'll retry periodic daily after
> setting nosuid/noexec/nodev on ccache dir
> Is there any benefit from setting a recordsize smaller than 128k there?

As far as I know reducing blocksize helps only for filesystems used by 
software using a fixed record size, like some databases.
I don't think it could be helpful for ccache, that saves files in 
variable size, some quite big.

Also, reducing block size reduces the ability for filesystem level 
compression (I'm disabling compression in ccache, and letting ZFS do 
that part), but I don't know for sure if this is the best option actually.

Guido Falsi <>