Re: periodic daily takes a very long time to run (14-stable)

From: void <>
Date: Fri, 27 Oct 2023 17:09:21 UTC
On Fri, Oct 27, 2023 at 05:38:58PM +0200, Guido Falsi wrote:

>If this script is the culprit is easily tested, disable it and see. I 
>guess you can stay a few days without checking for negative 

I'm unsure how to disable that one script from periodic. but I think
that what you recommend following it is better:

>Also, $MP is defined in such a way to exclude filesystems that set 
>"nosuid/noexec". I do happen to have those setup for my ccache 
>directory so it is skipping that.

doing this right now. thanks for the tip.

BTW the same initial symptoms happening again even after
disabling daily_clean. I'll retry periodic daily after
setting nosuid/noexec/nodev on ccache dir

Is there any benefit from setting a recordsize smaller than 128k there?
