Re: Docker

From: Mario Marietto <>
Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2023 22:29:48 UTC
Someone here got scared that this discussion already became trollish. So,I
don't know if I'm allowed to reply further.

On Thu, Apr 13, 2023 at 11:30 PM Polytropon <> wrote:

> On Thu, 13 Apr 2023 13:58:51 +0100, Miguel C wrote:
> > I also don't get why is that so complicated, is it just cause FreeBSD's
> > maintainers/community don't want to even consider docker on FreeBSD?
> The core "problem" - in fact, it's not actually a problem,
> it's just the consequences of a design decision - is that
> Docker hooks deeply into Linux kernel functioalities which
> the FreeBSD kernel simply does not have. Docker therefore
> is Linux-centric and Linux-specific, because the focus of
> development is pointed at Linux. Cross-OS interoperability
> is not a primary goal here.
> You could ask: Why does Linux Firefox not run on macOS?
> Why does the Mac App Store not run on "Windows"? It is
> not because someone is lazy or stupid, it's just because
> it is not designed to do that.
> > Couldn't we just run docker on bhyve?
> The word "just" is the key here: It is not a _simple_
> thing. "Could we just run FreeBSD binaries on Android?" ;-)
> > I'm sure it would serve the "just
> > want to test this image purpose" but I suspect there will be some issues
> > with Filesytem/network, not issues per say, but more like it likely takes
> > some work to get this to run in easy manner, but I think I've seen
> mentions
> > of using sshfs or zvols to make this part easier.
> It looks like it is technically possible, after (!)
> investing time and work into getting it done. It is
> not a trivial effort.
> > MacOS and Windows use virtualization anyway, sure Docker "DESKTOP" is
> > supported but docker, but they are still using a VM at the end of the day
> > and handle the filesystem/network stuff for the user.
> You could likewise use a VM to run an instance of
> Linux and then run Docker inside that VM...
> > I've never tried this my self [...]
> Sorry, not a good prefix for a broad statement. :-)
> > [...] but I don't think it should be that super
> > complicated unless you plan to run docker on prod envs, I think here, the
> > argument that "right tool for the job" is very valid.... I use docker on
> my
> > macOS but I'm not going to run things in prod in macbooks ofc, I will
> still
> > use Linux, K8s etc.
> It's probably _quite_ complicated, or else someone
> would already have done it as there are lots of users
> and administrators who would probably love to run
> Docker natively on FreeBSD. I'm not involved in the
> Docker development, so I can only guess (or conclude
> from Linux development): It is a moving target and,
> as mentioned above, combined with Linux-centricity.
> "I've never built a house, but how hard can it be?
> There are lots of houses over there!" Sorry... ;-)
> > Perhaps the FreeBSD foundation could invest a bit in getting a tool to
> easy
> > the way of running docker through bhyve, I do believe this would be good
> > for user adoption, but probably there are other priorities.
> The FreeBSD foundation is responsible primarily for
> the FreeBSD operating system. Docker is a 3rd party
> software (like the stuff in the ports collection),
> so it's a bit out of scope of the FreeBSD foundation.
> But writing a polite message to them and asking is
> never a bad idea.
> --
> Polytropon
> Magdeburg, Germany
> Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
> Andra moi ennepe, Mousa, ...
