--solved-- ; well , mostly ; was: my isp has trouble with its own dhcp assignment
- Reply: Jon Radel : "Re: --solved-- ; well , mostly ; was: my isp has trouble with its own dhcp assignment"
- Reply: Dennis Radford : "Re: --solved-- ; well , mostly ; was: my isp has trouble with its own dhcp assignment"
- Reply: David Christensen : "Re: --solved-- ; well , mostly ; was: my isp has trouble with its own dhcp assignment"
- Reply: Polytropon : "Re: --solved-- ; well , mostly ; was: my isp has trouble with its own dhcp assignment"
- In reply to: David Christensen : "Re: my isp has trouble with its own dhcp assignment"
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Date: Mon, 07 Nov 2022 02:01:49 UTC
22_nov_06_sun 25.55.utc howdy , folks --- well , as things turned_out , nobody got it right ; this includes yours_truly . earlier today , in anticipation of a call to "sales" [ closed sundays ] , regarding the acquisition of an ipv4_addr , i called "tech_support" [ open sundays ] , to ask some basic questions regarding such a transition [ how long after placing the order does the addr become available [ "a few minutes" ] ; do the fixed_addr and the dhcp_addr "play well" together , during the transition [ "not really , but , we know about this" ] ; you get the idea ] . i decided to ask about this problem , as well ; after all , i had nothing to lose except some cell_phone minutes . so , regarding the young_lady who assisted , she probes the nic on the old gateway , for its dhcp_addr and its mac_addr . then , she has me swap the boxen and she probes the nic on the new gateway , similarly . just like that , the new_gw works just_as_well_as the old_gw . now , here is why i say "solved , mostly" . she tells me that the problem is that i had a different mac_addr . "it's a security thing" , says she . "you need to call `tech_support' , when you change the mac_addr ." "if i move the old_nic to the new_gw , when i swap the boxen , then i have , still , the old mac_addr ; do i need to call , still ?" , he inquired , hope_fully . "no , because , then , the mac_addr has not changed" , she replied , re_assuringly . this is all well_and_good ; --how_ever-- , on 22_sep_25_sun [ 6 weeks ago ] , with the new_gw in place [ new mac_addr and new dhcp_addr ] , i tried this , for my intel 1000/100/10 nic : ifconfig em0 old_dhcp_addr add immediately , the new_gw worked every_bit_as_well_as the old_gw . thus , on sep_25 , i knew that my network and its config were "ok" . my guess is that , when packets would arrive w/ the old_dhcp_addr , the current_mac_addr was not verified against the old_mac_addr . thus , those packets were passed . per_haps , there exists a better explanation . as yet , at the isp , i had not spoken to any_one about any_thing . thus , i am not convinced that the young_lady's explanation was as well_stated as it might have been . she may be explaining things as well as she understands them . so , it appears that , over the next several weeks , i will be talking to "sales" and "tech_support" . i have wanted my own mail_server for a_while ; this means dns , as_well . the fire_wall will require "interior" and "exterior" gateways . we shall learn how_much we can accomplish . --today-- , that which is important is that i have a second working gw , in the event of the failure of the existing gw [ although , i may have to make a phone_call to "tech_support" ] ; now , i can get on w/ the building of the third gw . >----> crisis averted <----< never_the_less , i --do-- have a question . is there some kind of security issue w/ nic mac_addresses ? i have been trying to imagine one . if so , then i suspect that it relates to activities , which i do not do . this would explain my lack of imagination . i do not do lap_tops [ hardware configuration is nearly impossible ] ; i do not do wi_fi [ eavesdropping ] ; i do not do windows [ now , really ; do you have to ask why ? ] . please note that i am not against these things , for those who wish them ; different peoples have different ways . i have programmed ms_dos ; i have used ms_win ; i have considered lt/wf ; these are not for me . make mine a dozen of a several_hundred_char_wide xterm . here is another one . regard_less of the answer to the above question , do other isps do this [ check the mac_addr ] ? for now , i am treating the original problem as being , both , partially_solved and partially_obviated ; this is subject to revision , after my isp discussions . i wanted to let folks know that there has been --some-- progress . again , i thank every_one who responded to the original topic . my best to all of you and to all of yours . tia [ for the new questions ] rob