Re: Suggestions for making private packages?

From: Matthias Fechner <>
Date: Wed, 08 Jun 2022 05:29:06 UTC
Am 13.05.2022 um 01:12 schrieb Pat Maddox:
> How can I configure poudriere to build the latest version of our repo, 
> as well as a version that we’ve designated for release? I think it 
> makes sense to use the same build mechanism (i.e. poudriere) for 
> everything, rather than using `pkg create` for bleeding edge builds 
> and poudriere for releases. 

you can use different branches (in git) for this.
Have everything you develop and which is not released in a dev branch.
Merge all commits that are stable to a master/main branch.

Have to poudrieres running against two branches.

But this will be work for you, as you need to merge this also with 
FreeBSD upstream changes in ports.



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Rich Cook