nvidia-driver and no update in /usr/ports/UPDATING
- Reply: Steve O'Hara-Smith : "Re: nvidia-driver and no update in /usr/ports/UPDATING"
- Reply: tech-lists : "Re: nvidia-driver and no update in /usr/ports/UPDATING"
- Reply: Kevin Oberman : "Re: nvidia-driver and no update in /usr/ports/UPDATING"
- Reply: matti k : "Re: nvidia-driver and no update in /usr/ports/UPDATING"
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Date: Thu, 07 Apr 2022 23:00:34 UTC
Hi, Trying to be a good sysadmin, i like to regularly update. Imagine my surprise when my desktop wouldn't load xorg. I mean, I checked in /usr/ports/UPDATING, and to be sure, /usr/src/UPDATING, *nothing* about nvidia to be found for around this time. As I'm sure everyone here is aware, we are exhorted to check UPDATING so we're not caught out. So *WHY* were the consequences of PR 261666 not in /usr/ports/UPDATING? nvidia-driver was updated to (560) i think. 5-something.. the instance before was moved to nvidia-driver-470 as it's now legacy. That's great and all, but *WHY* the *F**K* isn't in *UPDATING??!??!?!?!* Why have /usr/ports/UPDATING at all if you're not, like, gonna update it?! This isn't the first or second time, with other widely-used ports. I don't use a whole load of ports. This is a desktop, so ~1500 ports or so. It ain't just me using freebsd as a desktop, and it ain't just me using nvidia-driver. Lots of ppl might be disinclined to fire off an email like this. "Install linux, at least it works", theyll say. And they'll delete FreeBSD. Great job. Not. -- J.