nvidia-driver and no update in /usr/ports/UPDATING

From: tech-lists <tech-lists_at_zyxst.net>
Date: Thu, 07 Apr 2022 23:00:34 UTC

Trying to be a good sysadmin, i like to regularly update. Imagine my 
surprise when my desktop wouldn't load xorg. I mean, I checked
in /usr/ports/UPDATING, and to be sure, /usr/src/UPDATING,
*nothing* about nvidia to be found for around this time. As I'm
sure everyone here is aware, we are exhorted to check UPDATING
so we're not caught out.

So *WHY* were the consequences of PR 261666 not in /usr/ports/UPDATING?
nvidia-driver was updated to (560) i think. 5-something.. the instance before
was moved to nvidia-driver-470 as it's now legacy. That's great and all,
but *WHY* the *F**K* isn't in *UPDATING??!??!?!?!*

Why have /usr/ports/UPDATING at all if you're not, like, gonna update it?!

This isn't the first or second time, with other widely-used ports.

I don't use a whole load of ports. This is a desktop, so ~1500 ports or so.
It ain't just me using freebsd as a desktop, and it ain't just me using 

Lots of ppl might be disinclined to fire off an email like this. 
"Install linux, at least it works", theyll say. And they'll delete FreeBSD.

Great job. Not.