Re: Klara Inc. Is looking for a FreeBSD OS Developer

From: Peter <>
Date: Tue, 14 Feb 2023 21:38:30 UTC
On Thu, Feb 09, 2023 at 07:16:32PM -0500, Aryeh Friedman wrote:
! On Thu, Feb 9, 2023 at 2:45 PM Peter <> wrote:
! > Concerning job offers, it's quite a crazy topic. Usually in a job
! > you do something you *don't* love to do, and you do it for the money.
! Doing "what you love" does not put food on the table and/or roof over
! your head unless it is paid.  If it is paid then it is a job.    I

Well, if You say that You cannot do what You love because then You
have to starve, then I would call that a kind of slavery.

! have never seen such (upper) middle class privilege in my life before.

Hm, the "middle class"...
I can walk a 9-storey shopping-mall for a day and not find a single
thing that would be worth to have. 
The "middle class" are people who are made to spend enormous amounts
of money for things that are inherently worthless. They cannot afford
the truly precious things, neither are they any longer able to live
off the land. They are basically NPC who are needed to keep the
money-making machine running.

!   But if you want to do it for free and have no other support then
! that "job" please let me do it. Maybe something has changed in how
! economics works.

I never got the idea on how economics would work. I have basic common-
sense rules, like: you cannot eat more than the food you have grown
over the year, neither more than fits your stomach. And: the sunlight
that hits the planet over a day is all the energy we have.

From there you may consider how we might make it to a Type I
civilisation, because that's what will matter in the long run.

Economics, however, deal with how to split things apart and slow down
mankind's development, in order to make some profit on the cost of
somebody else.

! Note this is why pure FOSS (i.e. the "free" part) is designed by large
! orgs for large orgs not small time orgs like my consulting firm or
! Klara.   In short, unless you're a Marxist then you have one bizarre
! definition of a "job".

I'm not a Marxist, The Marxists are driven by the same greed and fear
as the others, and the only faith they have is that they think ripping
off the community whould make them any better than people ripping off
